Spiritual Principle #9 The Antidote to Self Pity

The holiday season is upon us and with it comes the end of another year.  Once the madness of the Christmas rush is past, many start reflecting on the year gone past.  So how was your 2013?

If you had some significant disappointments: i.e. the breakdown of a relationship; job or a project that went pear-shaped, then perhaps you won’t be chiming “Ho Ho Ho”?  In fact, you might be feeling somewhat depressed and a bit sorry for yourself.

Now, there is a difference between feeling grief (a mixture of feelings, which are sometimes overwhelming) and feeling self-pity.  It’s confusing and we often get it back to front. Not knowing the difference causes two conditions. 1) Self-pity keeps you stuck and people will eventually run from you.  2) Unexpressed grief causes confusion; illness and eventually depression.

If you think you may be feeling too sorry for yourself and are feeling a bit stuck then watch this short video to learn about the spiritual principle that will help you open up to receive more joy and love in your life.

If you have unexpressed grief over any area of your life, then seriously look into attending our January 12 day program or booking a session with me so I can help you move through it.

Your holiday season really can be one of more hope and love.



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